The Benedictine Sisters at St. Gertrude Monastery
Newark, DE
"That in all things God may be glorified." (1 Peter 4:11)
~Rule of St. Benedict 57

The sisters expanded their teaching to the schools of Sacred Heart and St. Elizabeth parishes in Wilmington, DE.
Later, they would minister at Our Lady of Fatima and St. Catherine of Siena parishes and in Rehoboth Beach, DE, at St. Mark’s High School and St. Edmond’s parish.

In 1959, as the need for special education increased, St. Gertrude’s Academy was phased out and The Benedictine School for Exceptional Children was started in the academy buildings.
By 1964, a new school was built and was followed by the Habilitation Center and the Open Community Program. Today these programs are called the Benedictine Programs and Services which encompass many other programs.